I do not anticipate a large readership. 2 things come to mind: 1. The t-shirt which reads, "more people have read my t-shirt than your blog". and 2. Blog like no-one is reading...
I was re-inspired to start blogging again by 2 recent events. First, I was selected to participate in a NASA Tweetup, #JPLTweetup 2011. Given the opportunity to visit space exploration ground zero, I had to accept. Since I will be meeting up with other Tweeps (thus, Tweetup, duh) I decided they should have an opportunity to see who they are really going to meet. (I warned ya!) The second reason? Attending an event to watch a video about Vincent Chen. Aptly named, "Vincent Who?", this movie explained who he was and why his death became a rallying point for the Asian-American community, the immigrant communities, the under represented in the USA, and ultimately for every human who is, well .... human. He was a Chinese man, celebrating his upcoming wedding like many other american men, at a bar... when 2 out of work US auto workers decided he was Japanese and therefore the cause of all their woes. They followed him out of the bar and beat him without mercy. Vincent Chin lapsed into a coma and subsequently died. Listening to his story, then hearing the panelists call for action to any and all communities, led me to think... about blogging. How? Well, one thing they said is you have to "know your story" and then "tell your story" so that others may learn from it. Now, I am the opposite of the under represented in this country. In fact, I am probably the poster boy for the bland, male, white, suburban born/raised, middle class american. At least so far as my demographics are concerned. However, I feel I have had a unique experience with my life (doesn't every blogger?) and may be able to share (and who knows, maybe educate) some of my same demographic.
So, I blog.
If you bothered to read this far, congratulations. Here is an "easter-egg" for you. Fred Meyer has a great sale on electronics this week. Check it out.
Okay, that was lame. Your reward will be in finding out about another person's experiences, feelings, foibles, failures, successes, insights, blind spots....me.
Hang on, there's more. But right now, I need to drag myself away from this thing, drag my wife away from her computer, and go outside for a walk. Even if it is raining. We're gonna check out electronics at Fred Meyer.
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